Last Monday, President Nasheed invited me to join him for lunch at the UK House of Lords. To my left sat Baroness D’Souza, Convenor of the Crossbench in the UK parliament; to her left sat President Nasheed and on his left was our host, Lord Bilimoria. To my right was Baron Desai, with whom I chit chatted about the respective merits of Marx and Chicago School and their relevance to the Maldives and how the Maldives could benefit from his Lordship’s expertise as an Economics Professor at LSE. To his right was Minister Aslam and to his right High Commissioner Farah.
Soon enough my attention was drawn to the conversation on politics that was going on to my left between the Baroness and the President. At an appropriate pause in their conversation, I decided I would join the political discussion, especially when I learned that the Baroness was soon going to meet Her Majesty the Head of the Commonwealth and discuss themes for the upcoming Commonwealth Heads Meeting in Trinidad.
“History has a way of repeating itself, and if that is the case, in 2014, the people of the Maldives will again take to the streets,” I said half-jokingly, and President Nasheed, who actually conceals how much of an intellectual and scholar that he really is, gave a knowing smile.
The Baroness, with a little shock, as I might have expected, asked me why I said that. “We have a strong tradition of that, and an observable regularity in the timing of these events, the people took to the streets in 1933, in 1953, in 1974, in 1993, in 2004 and therefore quite possibly in 2014,” I continued. And I briefly explained to her what these dates were, careful not to upset anyone at the table.
But after doing that, I also told her that a mob in 2014 was not a foregone conclusion.
“There are very clear ways to avoid that—what I am saying is that, if democratic consolidation does not make good progress, by 2014, the people will again express their frustration with the way they are being governed, especially if their aspirations for a proper democracy remain unfulfilled,” I quickly added.
“I hope that by democracy you don’t mean electoral democracy,” the Baroness said.
“That’s exactly the point,” I concurred. “What we have in the Maldives since autumn is a democratically elected government, but we are still a long way from liberal democracy. I expect the people to give us 5 years to consolidate democracy, but they are unlikely to usher in 2015 without enjoying the fruits of liberal democracy,” I explained.
2015 will be a watershed year. The Millennium Development Goals are to be met by that date. We may or may not measure up to all the targets.

But, more than the MDGs, 2015 is also a key year for reformists in the Maldives, particularly for MDP and all those who, like me, support the MDP. Why? 2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. It was in June 1215, at a place called Runnymede that King John signed the Magna Carta.
The Maldives be represented at Runnymede in June 2015 – and none more appropriate than President Nasheed to be there. But we would not like to go to Runnymede merely as an electoral democracy—we will want to be a proper democracy, with working institutions and real people power. And I wouldn’t want to miss out on that event, if I am alive and kicking, and neither will MDP.
I told our hosts about the time President Nasheed and I spent in the UK, him at Liverpool and me at Aberystwyth (and I didn't have to explain to her why I went to read Strategic Studies at Coleg Prifysgol Cymru!), and how we identified with the British traditions of democracy, although local circumstances had necessitated, in my judgment, ushering in a US-style presidential system in the Maldives.

I then went along to explain to the Baroness about the challenges that still remain in terms of consolidating democracy in the Maldives. President Nasheed, who had made a very good impression on the Baroness with his keynote address at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s Conference on Climate Change at Portcullis House in the morning, agreed.
I cited Professor Larry Diamond at the Stanford University, and his concept of a predatory society as opposed to a liberal democracy. I stressed the need to increase horizontal accountability mechanisms, such as the judiciary, the anti-corruption commission, parliamentary oversight, the rule of law and the right to information.
I also highlighted the need to strengthen vertical accountability mechanisms such as issue-based NGOs, a vibrant and independent media, and elections that were free of intimidation and corruption.
I emphasised the need for transitional justice, and lamented the fact that yesterday’s corruption was yielding tremendous political gains today—and how therefore corrupt gains made yesterday were subverting democracy-building in the Maldives today.

Whenever I meet diplomats and other stakeholders, I often repeat to them lessons from our history. The point of it all is to impress upon them the need to assist the government to consolidate democracy and strengthen constitutional rule.
The history of the Maldives is replete with instances of the people deposing governments they didn’t like and installing governments of their choice. In that sense, people power has always been part of the political life in the Maldives.
Tradition has it that the Sultans ruled at the pleasure of the “Havaru”, loosely translated to mean the people of the wards of Male. The oral history of the Maldives, as told by Buraaru, frequently refers to the summoning of the Havaru to depose and install Sultans.
The generally lengthy reigns witnessed since the 19th century somehow had eroded this function of the havaru, but people power returned with the introduction of constitutional rule in 1932, as an extra-constitutional means to exercise people power, and always exposing the weakness of our governance systems.
Thus, in 1933, at the instigation of the Sultan, the people took to the streets and tore up the Constitution, and dispatched the authors of the Constitution to the British Governor’s mansion in Colombo. (The Westminster House talks of 2006, which President Nasheed, then under house arrest, and I, as Foreign Minister had set up, took place with one of the grandsons of one of those dispatched to Colombo in 1933!)
Twenty-years after that crisis, on 31 August 1953, the people again took to the streets and mobbed and killed the first president of the Maldives.
The people were back at it, albeit in unsuccessfully, on 13 June 1974, to depose President Nasir, who walked away four years later.
In 1993, a similar event nearly took place, but the Bimbi Force was pre-empted by the intervention of foreign soldiers brought in by the government to carry out a military exercise. Many will recall that as MPs were voting on a candidate for the presidency, there was a climate of fear induced by the treatment meted out to the potential challenger, Ilyas Ibrahim, and by the echo of gunfire in parts of Male.
But the people came back with a vengeance in 2003. I remember telling a nervous government in July 2004 that protests to depose the government will take place between 21 and 31 August – because Gayoom was scheduled to be in China and because the period coincided with the arrest and subsequent mobbing of Amin Didi.
As it turned out, the events took place slightly earlier, on 12-13 August.
Of course, the most successful display of people power happened in 2004, setting in train events that culminated in the installation of a new government in 2008.
Of course, there are some who think that the current drive for democracy has already failed—those who expected the country to go from darkness to light in one day. But I reckon that most people understand that democracy-building is a process and not an event, and will have the patience to wait till 2014.
Now, the new target date for an irrepressible display of people power is 2014- one year after the next elections, and one year ahead of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta.
And it does not matter who wins the next elections: whoever who heads this country by 2015 must either be celebrating in Runnymede or be running away on a stampede! In short, it is democracy or bust!

And so what should be the message to Her Majesty?
My instant response was to stress the need to give some real teeth to the CMAG—the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group, which now acts only after a government is toppled in a coup. I told the Baroness about the frustration since 2004 of the Maldives pro-democracy movement over the CMAG and its inability to pressure the government of Maldives to expedite reform.
“Today, 2 out of 3 countries in the world have democratically elected governments, and the ratio is higher in the Commonwealth; the Harare Declaration must be enforced, the Millbrook Action Programme must be implemented, the CMAG must be given a wider mandate to promote democracy and censure illiberal democracies: you will be surprised by how much dictators loved to be loved and therefore how much they hate to be hated, and the CMAG must be empowered to condemn dictators and embrace democrats,” I said to her.
“Democracy today is a universal value, and the Commonwealth must not be coy about promoting democracy,” I said with all the seriousness that I could muster.
“The CMAG must respond not just to breaches of the constitution but must help to strengthen constitutionalism in countries, like the Maldives, where the government and the people alike aspire to do so,” I added.
Ahmed Shaheed for OSA
Prynhawn da!
You are absolutely right about CMAG - it cannot be toothless, it must be able to call a spade a spade!
If by 2015 we cannot institutionalize democracy in the Maldives; then it means we still have 800 years of catching up!
Therefore, for me failure is not an option. Either we do it, or we perish trying.
But as Carnegie said, we cannot push anyone up the ladder, unless they are willing to climb it - so I think establishing democracy in the Maldives should relate to making what is at the top attractive enough for the people to get there, rather than trying to push the people into a democratic Maldives by force - which seems to be what is happening at times.
cadw'r ddysgl yn wastad!
majority of the maldivians doesnt like president Nasheed now. it seems that he has forgot about the promises that were made during the election campaign. so i guess it would be difficult to avoid the so called "mob".
People voted for change. but right now theres no difference. His policies are just the same, even worse than that of gayoom. so many of the Maldivians now regeret the change even!
The biggest mistake that the president Nasheed made was bringing some corrupt ant uneducated people to the leader ship. i guess thats the reason for the drop in his popularity so soon! Anyway its too early to tell whether he will fail or not. But yes, there are people who regret the change now.
2015 Nasheed as President? LOL, Dont you know that he became President not because he has a popular support of the people. If he and his followers like farah are so popular he could have beaten the "Dictator" very easily in the first round voting. Nasheed boasted that it will like a cake walk and he we leave politics if Gayyoom wins even 2000 votes in the election. Mr, he will not be sitting on this Presidential Chair unless without Gasim and Saeed's support. (Whome Nasheed has decieved as soon as he got the Presidency) This is fact.
Comments rubbishing President Nasheed’s attempts to fulfil his promises to our people speak volumes about the extent to which our minds have accepted the abuse of power and exploitation we have experienced as a people.
That one can say President Nasheed’s policies are worse than that of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom demonstrates the emotions of one who has much to lose in the new government or someone who is suffering from the Stockholm syndrome. People who suffer from this syndrome identify with their abusers and demonstrate absolute obedience to their abusers. Any little thing they do for them is exaggerated out of proportion to what they actually do for them. The carefully crafted system of welfare from the President’s Residence for medical treatment overseas and personal loans for study overseas and business investments/housing and other benefits dished out to the public from the government budget but presented as the benevolence of President Gayoom has played a key role in creating this mind set in our people. Other favours such as promotions to people who did not deserve such promotions contributed further to the “I like Gayoom” deposits in our emotional and financial bank accounts.
This is the biggest challenge for our people as we transition to democracy, the struggle with what has been planted in our minds of Gayoom as a benevolent leader instead of what was real, an exploitative ruthless narcissist who lost his head with the absolute power and wealth that he demanded and took from us.
This is what we have to shift, and this can only be done through compassion, and a genuine interest in our people. It is no accident that we have President Nasheed as President, we have the right person for these times. Someone with enough heart integrity and vision to stand for what he has fought for all these years.
I believe we have come to a tipping point with the elections now complete for us to search our own hearts and figure out whether we are going to run with Nasheed or not. Our destiny and the future of our children is not in the hands of President Nasheed, it is in ours.
Great article, doc! You should write more often.
Agree with you totally about CMAG, at the same time it should also be followed up with trade and aid and assistance with human resource development.
It is easy to sit on the fence and to judge the actions of the current government saying that there is no change except in who is at the head. I can understand the disappointments that 'educated' people feel in some of the appointments that President Nasheed has made to senior posts. But we should not forgot that very few of the same people supported him throughout his struggles to bring democracy to the Maldives, and we should all concede him some slack in his appointments, as they were the people that were with him throughout his arduous journey. Many of the same 'educated' people still refuse jobs with the government simply because they just can't see themselves working alongside these so called 'activists'.
People expect to see change overnight, but this expectation cannot be met unless we have a change in people's attitudes and behaviours. And this is not easy, especially when we have people who are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome and when we have people who have been abused and exploited for so long.
Let's not let history repeat itself. Let's all unite and work together to bring a real and meaningful change and let's not allow ourselves to be subverted in the efforts being made by President Nasheed to bring liberal democracy to the Maldives in the 21st century!
Commonwealth? my foot. its called the POOR MENS CLUB, what u expect from them, yet our dear president is running after them, and Hypocrites like shaheed keeps on pleasing him,. what a president??
From a matriarchal society to a paternalistic islamic fuedalism, to capitalism under Nasir and then to an Oligarchy is where we are.
The current Government sponsored by Oligarchs and protecting Oligarchs just like in the previous regime should know that it is only a matter of time before people lynch them all together and bring about true people power and justice for all. Let's hope it is not communists who will take over from the Oligarchs and destroy the country.
I "Was" an MDP member, and supported Nasheed, even my whole family was against me, but this man lied to people like us, he has not done anything to fulfil his promises. But appointing his close associates to high ranking posts and making the Government top heavier than previous regimes. I hope (God willing) this man will vanish into this air sooner rather than later
Nasheed has to accept that he cannot deliver as he promised, he must go....simply just go.
Anonymous 13 July 2009 03:49, could you let us have the details of your statement, that this Government is top heavier than previous regimes.Can we have the figures?
And just why do you have a problem with Nasheed having his close associates in positions of power? Would you not need to have people you trust in these positions?
The arrogance of some of us in determining who is educated and is not just baffles me. What is education? For me education is the ability to use what we learn for the betterment of ourselves and our society. The ability to become more humble as one knows more.
Judge for yourself how much you are educated.
I am not a Maldivian, but as it happens I love the Maldives very deeply and have been reading about the politics of the Maldives. My children are half Maldivian so I am not JUST an innocent bystander. All I can say is that, I hope that when myself and my children go to live in Male' eventually, we can trust that the judges will by that time be honest, and that gangsters will be under control. I noticed before Mr. Shaheed that you presented an article about gangs. Please, if you could, think of ways to prevent the control of gangs by business people and politicians. For example, Mr. Shihab has some plans to deal with this issue, whether these plans will work or not time will tell. In fact, if Shihab is voted out (no confidence motion) it will indeed be a felt loss if his successor does not continue with plans to separate gangs from rich politicians and business men. I wonder, how can we stop this from happening? I have asked a few Maldivians about this, and all agree that it is extremely important yet extremely difficult. Safety at ground level Male' is a need. I wonder if you could possibly offer some practcical advice on how to achieve this. I know as foreign minister you don't have time to think about things outside of your duties, because you are so busy. But this one is important, so please do consider formulating a solution to this problem or perhaps meeting with others to end this problem.
Please stop calling these people Stockholm syndrome victims. They are just purely blind Idiots. Mr. Nasheed has more educated people as the goverment top officials than what Gayoom had. All that Educated people did was, to mock and harass him when he was fighting against gayooms dictatorship. Now they all want want a piece of the cake. Gayoom and his followers can only talk crap. Mr. Nasheed has broght more changes than we anticipated. My Family and I, are happy to have voted for him. Our votes and loyalty are with him even in the future.
Dr Shaheed is a self-promoting hypocrat. With MAG government, he wanted Anni arrested, MDP crushed, and police on the streets. He is the one who worked hardest to defeat MDP and he hired British group to make MAG look good. Now the Nasheed has won he is licking his feet to get browny points. What a unethical boneless fellow.
Maldivians were fooled to vote for change.There are people who think of making a living with the process of ushering in religious harmony to this peaceful island nation.
They are the slaves of the masters of superior mankind.Theses slaves are awarded now and then some recognition.
Woe unto the destroyer of this Nation.
May Allah enlighten the public against these monsters hungry gor our blood.
Man wake up.This nation is bleeding
Doc - nice to see you writing. Hope to see more of it in the days ahead.
You, Anni and Aslam are among the most stupid people in the world, of course together with Obama the Disaster. When you called for free water and free electricity for all I ditched you. When you aligned with the Brit conservative party and called for a free market economy i supported you. now looking at your Islamist, Socialist agenda, it is obvious that you are just as bad or worse than DRP. A new party to challenge you idiots will emerge eventually.
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The second half, qian Dele begins to show power in aggression end, his individual singles made not little trouble to Qingdao team; Heart of the money in the match straps what win spot audience often to acclaim. Be in but below the circumstance, qingdao team can be adopted only foul tactics. Although Qingdao team is defending,end is done badly, but the aggression of team provides menace very much. As the development of the match, instead of team of before the match ends 2 minutes of Qingdao exceeds 1 minute instead with 68-67. The moment of truth, wide mansion group is not anxious not the attack wave that impetuous makes a 6-2 Suo Dingsheng bureau. Final, wide mansion team is contended for through 4 with team of Qingdao of win by a narrow margin of 3 minutes of advantages, obtain CBA Ji Qian to surpass make a good beginning. (Jim)
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