For a population of more than 300,000 there are just two main hospitals which is located in the capital Male', and around 5 regional hospitals spread over the country, but these regional hospitals are rarely used. It is quite common for patients to seek medical help in Male', but then IGMH with a bed capacity of 300 and ADK with a bed capacity of 50 is almost always overflowing with admissions. Then there's always a constant flow of people going abroad for further treatment, some assisted by the government. Why aren't these further treatments being established in the Maldives yet?
IGMH being the only government hospital and the biggest health care facility was presented to us by the Indian Government. And recently international funding has contributed some basic equipments to the Addu regional hospital. Do you think that hospitals have sufficient equipment and facilities to support the needs of our society? Why do you think the two main hospitals are based only in the capital? What about the rest of the country? And do you think the society has lost their trust in the current health system?
Please post your comments with answers to these questions, we want to hear about your experiences and opinions...
IGMH being the only government hospital and the biggest health care facility was presented to us by the Indian Government. And recently international funding has contributed some basic equipments to the Addu regional hospital. Do you think that hospitals have sufficient equipment and facilities to support the needs of our society? Why do you think the two main hospitals are based only in the capital? What about the rest of the country? And do you think the society has lost their trust in the current health system?
Please post your comments with answers to these questions, we want to hear about your experiences and opinions...
What the healthcare system of this country is an honest evaluation of what is needed and what can be provided. I don't believe in forcing people to move away from their homes in the name of population consolidation. People should be able to work and access social services from where they live. But it is also not possible to have a tertiary hospital in 200 odd islands. The solution lies in first of all establishing a workable transport system that Maumoon's government has failed to provide. But we can't expect the woman in labour or the man having a heart attack to get on a ferry in rough seas to get medical care - other countries also face such situations. That is why there are mobile medical teams and flying doctors and other such schemes in the world. It is high time we faced the reality of the geography of our country and started catering to people's needs within those realities.
five rigional hospitals and 2 referals are more than enough for a three hundred thousand people, but the problem with us is that these hospitals are not equiped, not resourced.
To me, what i have noticed in the system is that the docotrs, especially Maldivian doctors who come to Maldives with their practice linece gradually converts to business orineted doctors rather than health care providers.All of them start their practice in IGMH where they limit their consultation hours and always try to see minimum number of patients, doesnt matter patients que ends upto Majeedhee Magu.
When you go to IGMH with your son to cosult a peadiatric doctor, when asked for an appointment IGMH counters reply the appointments are over for this week, try nex week, you would run out all the options other than seeking an appointment from their private clinics ate huge consultation fee.
I dont believe that maldives has a health care system.
Although the government has achieved some goals in erradicating few infectious diseases, Maldives should have reached much further with this small population.
A good health care system work as a team, which we dont see in this nation.
All of us thinks that having the biggest specialist is the way of getting the best cure. Even the policy of the Gayyooms government is in such a way that Maldivian hospitals playing a role of referal center to the neighbouring countries. Our president, ministers, general public have no trust in the health care system so they go abroad even to treat constipation.
I cant blame all this on our doctors and nurses, everyone in this country knows that our hospitals are lack of facilities, I would ask how many CT scan machines in the country? not more than one. Most of the things are gifted from a private parties and from friendly nations. So where the budget, may be it can only be spend to increase the wage of MPs. The health care is changing towards evidence based medicine which our public is observing and experiencing daily from nearby countries.If we dont devoloped our old system of treating no one will have trust.
Our eduction system is young therefore Maldives started to produce their own doctors recently, unfortunately goverment is very lazy and slow in devolping our health care professionals, they only try to solve things teporarily. They think it will be worth and more economic to bring expatriates, thats why you will hear sudden voices whenever there is an elecctions nearby, saying every island has a doctor, what a doctor alone in a rural island can do? Just to refer to higher centers? then probably the island chief is the best person to do so.
Ask yourself what arrangement is there to refer a patient from one place to other, there is no mechanism of easy transport, no place to stay in Male and several examples as such.
Is there any medical insurance here, it will never come because if there is a medical insurance, the kind hand of theemuge, welfare and villa will be lost from our views.
Lets talk about our people, we maldivians know a lot but dont know anything. Most of us have no manners, no dicipline and even dont know how to appreciate to our medical proffesional for their hard work in a place where there is lack of facilities. We all have to understand that all of our medical proffesionals are oversea graduates meaning that they have sacrificed part of their life to bring us the best service.
On the other hand we know that some of our medical proffesionals are rude to the patient, they have to know that a patient has right to ask and know about his disease, condition, treatment, and prognosis. They cant treat us as patients attending to a government medical college in nearby country.
They have to know how to establish a good patient doctor relationship.
For the reasons mentioned above and other reasons some centers in our neighbouring countries take advantages. Most of the patients who go abroad will be asked for follow up after 6 month.
So Maldives. Please wake up let us all try to resolve this eachone has a role and lets play the game....
what does the Open Society propose to do with the comments we make? Is it to be just comments we leave for others to read or are you planning on using them for anything more than your own political gain?
That out of the way, I think this country of ours has a very basic, but even then, a poorly administered and even poorly organised health care system. Calling it a system would be an error in itself.
I agree with Shehe that we needed an honest evaluation years ago. The so called tertiary hospitals in Maldives have very little in common with standard hospitals elsewhere.
I would hold the general public of this country as responsible, if not more, than the politicians who they repeatedly elect out of ignorance and selfishness. The politicians have given us only a placard with hospital written on it. The services are not up to the mark, not even to the expectations of the common man.
The geography of this country should not be used as an excuse for not delivering essential basic services, be it health or otherwise. We have to live with it and we know we can live better with it as it is than we are now.
A transport system would definitely help. Transferring patients from one low resourced locality to another with marginally better resources may in certain cases be life saving. But without a reliable transfer system, I don't just mean a boat but a system where patients are transferred with medical care on-going, would be essential to make the 'system" work.
I understand the frustrations expressed by Anonymous. But you can just increase number of patients seen by doctors. That is likely to compromise quality of the service. In Maldives parents expect to have access to specialists every time they want. With no GP system established, this is not surprising. But you can't, I certainly don't, expect a doctor to see just an increased number of patients by spending less time with each.
I too have a problem with doctor only utilizing a fraction of their full OPD times in seeing patients; finishing off their days appointments with hours to spare. A reasonable amount of time has to be spent with the patients,; to take a proper history, do a reasonably thorough examination, discuss therapies, prescribe the therapy and counsel the family. This would take time. And this time should be spent. Get the doctors to practice this way and a lot of mistrust that currently exists would evaporate.
The private clinics could be the solution to the lack of proper large hospitals in Maldives. They need to be financially viable but the cost need not be transferred directly to the public. If the government was willing, a subsidized consultation system could fill the gap between number of patients and consultation appointments available.
A lot more needs to be spent on training doctors and not just in neighbouring countries. With any other field, training is accepted to be better and price worth paying from a developed country. In case of health, acceptably a more expensive field, this is not so. This has to change.
Resources need to match the expertise available. Several cases are referred abroad for lack of investigative capabilities, the likes of which are available in the slums of Trivandrum (no offense meant!) But then again, this is the level of committment we have in developing our health care.
I agree that a few rotten doctors have left a bad taste in our mouth over time. This does not mean that the doctors are all rotten. Unfortunately, no mechanism exists to control unethical behaviours or practices; for everyone knows that they are most practiced by the senior level administrative doctors.
The public need to know, as with the political process, what we are entitled to, what we are capable of, to be able to demand and get them for themselves and the future generations.
Healthcare worker
we all have fascinating ideas. Our gepgraphy and disparity is a big issue for us. Population consolidation is one of the best solutions for this, however given the thinking of current genration its not feasible and it is not a novel idea but a failed idea in many developed and under developed countries. Even though we think its simple to have flying doctors and such facilities the country is not economically well enough for such hefty developments. For such a vulnerable economy with such a geography it is impossible to bring easy soultions and all servicesand facilities cannot be provided on the doorstep of each an everyone. So we can either bring all people closer to Male' or opt for consolidation. Also a rich person can start medical tourism and it may help a bit. we also need to start a medical college. there alot we can do and both the government and public should make collective decisions for the prosperity of our country.
wat id like to kno is that why r u really writin here at this blog? ARE YOU GOIN TO HELP US SOLVE ANYTHIN AT ALL?, ARE U GOIN TO TELL THE PEOPLE WHO NEEDS TO CORRECT THEMSELVES TO DO SO? if not wat is ur purpose of writin here and make ppl comment on this, will this at all help us in som way, (by us i meant health cre professionals as well as the ppl who gets it), do u even kno the probelms, i bet u do with ur 'resources' helpin u guys, but thas not all, i think ur bunch of foreigners, who gathred a few maldivians and made them write all the issues about the watever u could reallly find, and giv them mone for it and i bet this is only you can do, JUS KEEP ON WRITIN.
It's a sad situation wen u think about it, if ur organisation and its issues arises to the public people, all r happy atleast people are aware of it, but at the same time ther's nothin u canreally do about it, maybe u shud stop jus talkin about it and show more action to it.
What Maldives need is a system reminiscent to the health care system of Australia. It is achievable. All that is needed is political commitment. Privatization of the heath and wellbeing of the populace is not a solution. It will create high prices in the future.
Is there anything called health care in the Maldives. Of course there is wealth care in Maldives and this service is available to overambitious fortune hunters who are called DRP (siyaasee beynumah izzathunnafs vikka meehunge party). Who runs Health Ministry proper? Notoriously known woman called Nasreena. Even when Ahmed Abdullah was Health Minister she dictates on utilizing foreign aid received for the health sector. This is absolutely true.. The conference hall and other facilities of IGMH are at the disposal of the Lady. Hospital meetings got to be cancelled when she needs it.Most of the WHO funding is also diverted to her NGO called SHE. Even they provide drafts of letters to be written in Health Ministry letter heads to secure funding for SHE from various international agencies and organizations.
Than pressure increased when occasional disputes rose to do this and the solution was to have her rogue brother (curry powder guy) Illiyas to be made the Health Minister. So once the puppet Illiyas as demanded by the most powerful lady The dictator agreed and installed the guy. Now every policy, all funding are under the full control of the ladies Nasreena and Naila. They are more powerful in the health sector than health ministry proper??
Each and every DRP member and their families are privileged to Theemuge funding for overseas health care. So wake up and think for yourselves what health care system can be realized in a made-house private company known as "MAUMOON'S MALDIVES PVT LTD". This insane torturous dictatorship will never allow people to live in dignity without begging. Most of the nurses and health sector employees are obliged to work in SHE voluntarily every day or night when they are off duty as that is the only way to get promotions and privileges. Those who work in senior positions in the health sector like me will bear witness to these true stories. What a bloody corrupt mafia is "Maumoon's Maldives Pvt Ltd., is ??
is there a health care system in maldives??? i ask cause it's very difficult for me to belive... i say this cause'as of late everyone seems intent on changing THE MALDIVES and its GOVERMENT.. they talk about corruption everywhere.. it's a "big issue" to them... but have any of u ever heard anyone say anythin bout corruption in the local health care system???
from the clinics to hospitals to the damn ministry???
i nver heard of any.....
movin along....the doctors in maldives (most of whom are only MBBS) are payed a lot. that is done all over the world... but the difference in maldives is that they are payed to do wat the corrupted system says and not wat they are sworn to do...
u can c this clearly wen u go to IGMH... any doctor, be it Maldivian or foriegn, who is specialised in a field, they only consult 10 patients every other day... want an example??? Dr. Yassir.. he is suppose to be great..but to get an appointment for him or any other specialist u hav to make an appointment with a month in advance...in other words u need to go to a fortune teller everymonth to c if u gona be sick or not tht month...(good thing v hav fortune tellers in maldives huh??)
hmm then there are the nurses.. v still hav sum nurses in IGMH datin back to Mohamed Amin Didi's regime :D
i know they say that old is gold,but in such a profession as nursing, shouldn't priority be given to young energetic an educated people rather then old hags, who are set in there ways and dnt belive in change? well tht shouldnt suprise us seen as that even the Father of Our Country is a Dinosaur.
is there a health care system in maldives??? i ask cause it's very difficult for me to belive... i say this cause'as of late everyone seems intent on changing THE MALDIVES and its GOVERMENT.. they talk about corruption everywhere.. it's a "big issue" to them... but have any of u ever heard anyone say anythin bout corruption in the local health care system???
from the clinics to hospitals to the damn ministry???
i nver heard of any.....
movin along....the doctors in maldives (most of whom are only MBBS) are payed a lot. that is done all over the world... but the difference in maldives is that they are payed to do wat the corrupted system says and not wat they are sworn to do...
u can c this clearly wen u go to IGMH... any doctor, be it Maldivian or foriegn, who is specialised in a field, they only consult 10 patients every other day... want an example??? Dr. Yassir.. he is suppose to be great..but to get an appointment for him or any other specialist u hav to make an appointment with a month in advance...in other words u need to go to a fortune teller everymonth to c if u gona be sick or not tht month...(good thing v hav fortune tellers in maldives huh??)
hmm then there are the nurses.. v still hav sum nurses in IGMH datin back to Mohamed Amin Didi's regime :D
i know they say that old is gold,but in such a profession as nursing, shouldn't priority be given to young energetic an educated people rather then old hags, who are set in there ways and dnt belive in change? well tht shouldnt suprise us seen as that even the Father of Our Country is a Dinosaur.
things maldivians need
* bio medical engineers to service the CT and MRI machines
* people to maintain the stuff
* fluoroscopy machines that arent broken.
* a fund to maintain these machines and service them regularly
* people to work there regularly
* nurses and doctors who are willing to work in islands rather than in male'
* mobile health care systems ( hello u dont hvae helcops or air planes to make rescues that are extremely crucial)
* u dont have a good ambulance with all the necessary
a student of mine told me about these and about how badly she wanted to become a doctor and yet a hospital didnt accept her to wrok there to find a schol because of a family issue one of the admin had with her family...
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hey Just saw few comments,
I wanted to start a low cost hospital in Maldives.
Need some funding.
any one interested, can share further details.
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