Many endorse that the Civil Service Act 2007 passed by the People's Majlis is a key milestone in moving forward to a 21st century liberal democracy in the Maldives. However, the recent amendments proposed by the Government on this act will mean a step backwards in the progression towards democracy.
If the amendments are passed a great number of key positions in the government will not be regarded as part of the Civil Service. Such excluded government employees would include: Vice President, Chief Justice, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the People’s Majilis, all ministers and the attorney genera, atoll chiefs, judges, commissioner of elections and staff, assistants to ministers, ambassador’s to foreign countries and their deputies, island and atoll office staff, the Maldives Police Service, the Anti-corruption board, and more.
Overall, the amendments will mean government employees will not be granted full protection of their rights and instead, the government will maintain their power and influence.
An alliance of NGOs who are: Rights For All, Maldives Aid, the Society for Women against Drugs, Empowering Movement, Strength of Society, Maldivian Detainee Network and the Open Society Association strongly object to the amendments. Under a massive campaign we are putting pressure on MPs to reject the amendments.
A forum last night (30th March) which saw attendance of some 800 people highlighted public concern in the issue and support for the campaign. The decision will be made at the Majilis tomorrow morning (1st April); this will be a key test to see if the country will move backwards or forwards on that path towards democracy. Please show your support against the proposed amendments to the civil service act and post your thoughts and comments.
I have started something. All bloggers against the proposed amendments to civil service act.
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