Theme: Your cultural life of the community in the Maldives
The theme of the OSA competition is 'the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community' (Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948). The idea is for you to think about your culture in the Maldives and how you enjoy this within your community. You might take photo of a family member in traditional Maldivian dress, draw a picture of your friends skating or paint an image of the bustling community at the fish market...
The Prize: A visit to see the United Nations human rights capital, Geneva, Switzerland and human rights related books and CDs
Top prize of this OSA competition is a trip to the UN capital for human rights Geneva, Switzerland! The winner will fly to Geneva where they will get the opportunity to have an educational tour of all of the spectacular UN sights, including the Palais des Nations, the International Centre for the Red Cross, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and more. A chaperone to accompany the winner will also be invited to join the trip.
Runners up will be invited to attend the OSA Human Rights Day celebration on the 10th December and will be awarded with human rights themed books and CDs.
Entry deadline and specifications: Open to all 16 - 24 year olds in the Maldives, deadline 25th November 2007.
The competition is open to all 16-24 year olds in the Maldives. Entries should be submitted before the deadline of 25th November 2007.
Photos can be taken with a digital camera or phone. Developed photo prints should be standard size and posters A4 size and any materials can be used on the design.
All entries should be submitted with an application form which you can download from here. Digital images can be e-mailed to jesskateg@gmail.com and you can send prints and posters to Open Society Association, P.O. Box 3004.
All entries should be submitted with an application form which you can download from here. Digital images can be e-mailed to jesskateg@gmail.com and you can send prints and posters to Open Society Association, P.O. Box 3004.
If you have any questions or require further information please e-mail OSA Lead Coordinator Jessica Kate Griffiths jesskateg@gmail.com or call 7671487.
Hey OSA, congratulations on this initiative! I am so glad that you are continuing to advance human rights even after quitting government. I don't think you should ever join the government. You could really make a strong contribution to human rights promotion and civil society development by staying outside government. By the way, Shaheed, I like the quotation from Voltaire that you read in your defence in parliament before you quit.
"Power to the People" this name i would say gives a Marxism feel, meaning like "give people all the rights the state thinks the people deserve" whats your theory on it? how about a name like "OPIATE OF THE INTELLECTUALS" ...
I suggest the theme be urgently changed in light of today's passing of the article denying Maldivian citizenship to anyone who is non-Muslim. There is no way the Maldives can be a liberal democracy with this article in place. This whole episode of the Majlis is an act of the tyranny of the majority, which is what liberal democracy is essentially to contain. It is an intolerant and cruel act, and an affront to both Islam and liberalism. It is also totally ill-conceived in light of the demographic and intellectual changes taking place in the society. How are we to socially cooperate with, and be cooperated by, those with various non-Islamic thoughts in the Maldives with fair terms? Will OSA do anything about this?
Of all the articles of the human rights declaration, is this what the OSA deems most relevant to the Maldives?
How can any people participate in their culture when they do not have the opportunity and empowerment to participate in the politics of their own country?
I am deeply disappointed!
Enmen siyaasa veema maha dhanee kon baye?
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