Diplomacy is about saving nations; not drowning them
Some of my cabinet colleagues weren’t sure that the Maldives should participate at the Summit meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement at Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt from 15-16 July. But they deferred to my opinion and allowed me to travel to Egypt. Having debriefed some of them on my visit to Sharm El-Sheikh just a fortnight earlier for a conference on renewable energy, I knew, and they knew, that it would not be a pleasure cruise.
On that particular visit, an Australian delegate and I had to race around Cairo Airport (I usually travel without an entourage), from the chaotic domestic terminal to the congested international terminal and plead with airline staff to get us on the connecting flight to which we reported with 57 minutes to go, just 3 minutes after they closed the check-in counter.
The other delegate from the conference, who spoke in an accent that was all so familiar to me, pressed on saying that it was imperative that she made the connection out of Dubai as well. I chimed in, as if a chorus would move the staff into swifter action.
The ground staff spoke to each other in a language that I did not understand, and minutes that seemed like an eternity, passed.

I did not relish the idea of having to stay behind in Cairo and come back to the airport another day. A million thoughts flashed across my mind—and I instantly blurted out to the fellow delegate if she read P. J. O’Rourke. “Yeah, Holidays in Hell,” she replied. “So you remember the bit about Cairo then?” By the time we finished relating our apprehensions to P.J. O’Rourke, and found out that we had attended the same university in Brisbane, the airline staff said that we could be checked-in!
The good news did not distract her from O’Rourke as she instantly ran carrying her Waltzing Matilda through the Immigration lines with an airline escort and proceeded to the boarding gate. I did not bandwagon or follow. Like Forrest Gump, I decided to line-up behind the nearest immigration queue.
And I ran into Murphy’s law! This turned out to be slowest line. Minutes passed. I learned that a line-up is not necessarily a queue, and a queue is not necessarily linear! While I waited, and sweated, and thought myself a Gump, I typed an sms to my Chief of Protocol, who was somewhere in Male, saying: “Lessons from near misses: 90 minutes are not enough to catch a connection in Cairo!” Then I deleted the sms when I realised that I wasn’t gonna make it in time to the boarding gate! I thought of the quarrel Maria Didi and I had on BBC a while ago over Egypt and related matters. But I turned my attention to using all my powers of persuasion to let the guys ahead of me let me pass ahead of them.
And thank God, they did! And so I made it! (And dismissed all recollections of the BBC interview!)
So when, a few days later, the Finance Ministry says that I shouldn’t go to Sharm El-Sheikh, I didn’t need any persuasion.
And I am a NAM sceptic and have been for a long time. I advised Gayoom not to go Havana in 2006, but he wouldn’t miss out on the chance to revisit Havana after 28 years! But President Nasheed heeded my advice and decided not to attend the NAM in Egypt.
But it would have been wrong for the Maldives to be totally absent from the NAM Summit. After all, even the Americans were attending the Summit—under the new Obama dispensation! And with over hundred delegations present, it would be an economically efficient way of carrying out numerous bilateral business meetings. So, P. J. O’Rourke or not, I ended up in Sharm El-Sheikh again.
The NAM meeting in Egypt has only reinforced my NAM scepticism. The Final Report comes to several hundred pages, and as I leafed through it, I was utterly dismayed by a number of equivocations. Terrorism is bad, no doubt. But NAM, in my view, can still not say, categorically, that it is wrong to kill non-combatants, or blow up women and children. NAM still does not believe that human rights are universal – it seems quite allergic to civil and political rights. And NAM is in true form when it comes to climate change and sombrely speaks about the “historical and differentiated responsibility”—yeah, that should save the Maldives, no doubt, if we quickly grow gills, as President Nasheed recently told Senator Legardo from the Philippines. But we cannot dissent from the Third World consensus!

So the more I read the document, the more I felt like the people of Melos. Before me were the King of Traditional Kings Qaddafi, our host Mubarak, the renowned Bouteflika, the much heralded King of Swaziland, all not out batsmen with centuries to their credit. But my mind raced passed the centurions and the centuries to the Peloponnesian Wars and Thucydides. Although my eyes were on the speech that my able staff had drafted for me, what was going through my mind was the Melian dialogue: “the strong will do what they can and the weak must suffer what they must”.
How can I say that to this so-called august body? Tiny Maldives must not ruffle the feathers of the big birds. But we are going down to drown, unless global carbon emissions are cut back quick enough for the emissions to peak within the next decade or so. Diplomacy is about saving nations, not drowning them.
NAM boasts about collective security. But the first principle of collective security is the protection to the weakest members. But in the climate change negotiations we have so far seen nothing that would save the Maldives from drowning. We can ban water-boarding of individuals (and we should!) but endorse water-boarding a whole nation—now that’s a line for PJ! Every time I saw Copenhagen 2009 written in the speech, it read back at me as Munich 1938. The Maldives is the new Sudetenland.
Obviously, NAM isn’t going to save the Maldives.

Maldives Delegation to Make a Splash at Copenhagen
So I came out to do what I effectively came here to do. I met the Bangladeshi’s and gave them the heads up that we might be forced into a maverick position if nothing good was going to come out of Copenhagen, that we might even stage a walk out from Copenhagen. But more urgently, I wanted to obtain some emergency pharmaceuticals from Bangladesh, needed for hospitals in the Maldives; and sought their support for the V-10 Summit in the Maldives.
With several others, mostly from the Caribbean and Pacific, I lobbied for support for the resolution that the Maldives was tabling at the UN designed to insulate the Maldives from the shocks of graduation from LDC status.
With the Australians I discussed deeper engagement with the democratic Maldives and collaboration at the Commonwealth and the UN.
With everybody, covering all regions, I lobbied for support for the Maldives candidature to the Human Rights Council. I paid particular attention to Timor Leste, not merely because the Foreign Minister Zacarias was in the same political position as I am in a coalition government, but because I am keen to obtain the endorsement of Timor Leste, a possible competitor, to our candidature to the Human Rights Council.
From Portugal, I ensured critical support to safeguard our claim to the maximum continental shelf in the Indian Ocean, and from Mauritius I learned more about the potential for us to benefit from the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission and the Indian Ocean Commission.
From Djiboujti I learned how we could keep tabs on the potential threat to the Maldives from Somali piracy, and a few lessons about warding off militant Islam.
From a number of countries, whose names I do not wish to reveal yet, I pursued how the Maldives can reclaim monies that have been lost to corruption over the past thirty-years, chalking up an operational action plan on how to identify and pursue the missing funds. Indeed, even if no one else wants to track down the embezzled funds, I am on a crusade to get them, and President Nasheed is aware of that. I am not one to ride a corrupt tiger, for, as Kennedy said, “history shows that all those who rode tigers ended up inside them”.
Indeed, as I proceeded to return to the conference hall, Robert Mugabe began to preside over the conference. I decided to wait until someone else took over the chair.
As I waited, a former High Commissioner from the SAARC region in the Maldives walked up to me and said, I still think you should not be in politics! I told him that I had not forgotten his advice, and that is why I am so attached to the OSA, and told him that I was not going back in until Mugabe left the chair. “It’s more that politics had joined me than me joining politics,” I tried to make light of it. We traded a few quips about the post-Westphalian state, the Wars of the Roses and how DRP lost the election last year, and jumped from topic to topic, from Kerensky to Trotsky, and the possibility of joint representation in Moscow. Yes, I agreed: it would be a good idea for the Maldives to be jointly represented in Moscow, teaming up with a SAARC partner.
And when Mugabe finally left the Chair, I returned to my seat and re-worded my draft speech to include a call on NAM countries to accede to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and urged them to seek effective caps on carbon emissions so that the rising seas will not exceed beyond 0.8 metres within the next 100 years.
The Maldives statement may not be music to many ears. But that is because the cries of help from a drowning person are never musical; did the last dodo sound like Dido?
And tomorrow I head out to Cairo. Once bitten twice shy, I have allowed myself some 6hours of transit time!
But I leave Sharm El-Sheikh hopefully having done enough to satisfy the Finance Minister.
I also had the opportunity to discuss at length the rise and fall of Maurice Bishop and the Grenada Revolution, a most stimulating intellectual discussion with the Foreign Minister of Grenada, on politics in small spaces, on Archie Singham’s “Hero”, on George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, on Gerhard Casper’s “Caesarism” or in Bishop’s language, “One-Manism”.
Meanwhile friends from as far away as Australia and UK kept texting me about the disputes and disturbances in Male on Wednesday. Politics in small spaces-- but that is another story for another post.
Submitted by Ahmed Shaheed for OSA
Another informative piece of writing....
Good luck with your pursuit of the missing funds...keep on trucking or trekking...and more importantly, am really looking forward to your other story..that would be an interesting read, I reckon.
while you are the smart one of the trio can you please talk some sense to the other two. they dont understand that, the only way to pave way for clean government and civilized society givin a chance to educated youth to take this country forward is by removing corrupt elements and white collar mega criminals. the remaining two to some extent control the judges and the courts . it seems they do not understand that they are making a deal with the devil that will lead all of us to anarchy.
its time anni and you talk some sense to them. they dont need to be bitter because anni outsmarted them and became president. that happend because they are dumb and destiniy always favours the SMART extremly hard workers.
by the way your popularity is rising quietly. people always love honest work that get results.
It is strange that you should protest over Mugabe when you sit in the Cabinet with Anni! What kind of hypocrite are you? Anni promised democracy but now he is becoming a worse tyrant than Maumoon, and you think Mugabe is the bad one?
Maldives to make a splash at Copenhagen? You must be kidding! No one takes Maldives seriously.
Interesting piece...I hope you are able to do something for the better of the people with this government at least. It is imperative that those who did wrong in the former government are held accountable. Without which we really cannot talk about democracy, justice, human rights or Islam.
It is not climate change or sea level rise that will sink Maldives. It is the short-sighted selfishness of our leaders that will ruin our nation. Why is someone like you working for these fascists? Beats me. You didn't belong with the DRP fascists and you sure as hell don't belong with the MDP fascists!
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